Friday, December 24, 2010

Bomb Where??

We  don't have a lot of time so we can't break the prisoners mentally. We would have to go to physical torture. Their is a wide variety of different methods we could follow like bone breaking, beating,  pressure points, water boarding , and much more. Some of these tortures are not always help full. They could make the detainee more resistance and then we don't get information. We would torture them still they confess. The long term repercussion if the prisiners are mistreared would be getting yelled at by our supervisor and having a big problem with the government of the prisoners country.

Tell us or NO ??

I believe that all United States citizens have the right to know about the governments issues. Some are just not capable of understading what horrible things the military or government does, so they do some idiotic stuff that hurts everyone around them. We all know that the government keeps alot of things from it's citizens but somethings should be kept a secret cause not everyone could handle the truth. Their not very smart people so they go psyco. Their are some secrets that should be kept secrets for a reason good or bad.  Julian Assange has a good point leading us know about the governments business. But what he doesn't know is how well will handle the truth speacialy when it come to the military because we all believe that they are in Iraq and Afghanistan doing good deads not killing civilians that might look like they have weapons. Even though it's understandable cause they are very cautious at all times. So that means they over think everything to be safe and come home. I don't understand why he wants to exposed our government when he's not even American but Australian. The CIA has not been nearly hurt as other agencies have on keeping their secrets.

Friday, December 10, 2010



In my opinion I think that video games such as call of duty should be allowed. They show alot of violence for little kids to play. But the violence they show is just like what happens in Afghanistan and Iraq. They might diminished the violence but not that much only by a little. All games should be allowed to show anything that has or happening in the world. Specially call of duty because it potray the was and all Americans or what ever you are should be allowed to see what actually happens when are soldier are deploded. When you play call of duty or Command and Conquer you should be able to feel the inpatients of the soldiers and how horrified they might feel when they don't know whats goin to happen next. The difference about real live and video games that resemble  is that real soldier don't often get to press the reset button and start from were they were harmed. Some just died with out getting the chance to live again. Call of duty show how war world 2 was like and even the cold war. My friend have said that this game so good and intresting to play is like if you were a soldier in the war.


When the pilots in war world 1first used air-to-air combat it must have been scary. The soldier had alot on their mind in tose moments. They where thinking about their families, their own lives, and if they will crash down and leave this world without saying goodbye. All the ones that had family at the might of been thinking that they might never see their kids grow and never see their wifes again. The ones that didn't have family might of been thinking why don't they have kids or someone special waiting for them. What they all had on their minds was I'm might die in this momennt, in this way.


I think that in war world 1 most of the casualties were do to bombs. In the  video they showed explosion and some bodies were flying. Bombs are really powerfull even in 1914. They were worser back then cause they didn't kill you fast only if you were lucky enough. If weren't lucky you'll be in alot of pain and the medical people wouldn't be able to help you with your pain they'll make it worse trying to help you live. The death of all 16 million people who died fighting impacted the world. Because it was the first major war with so many casualties. Also because it was probably a cities population at that time. The 21 million that where injured needed alot of medical attention and more importanly surgeries and pain killers. They might of not have the resources for the pain killer that you needed. Maybe they didn't know how  to do the surgeries on patiens. That would of added more death to the 16 million.