Friday, November 19, 2010

Imperalism in Avatar

Imperialism is used in Avatar the movie. It is being used cause the Army want's the Na'Vi's biggest tree in their land.The big tree is really special to the Na'Vi  people. The Amry wants it cause under the tree their is a special rock that the human really want. They ask the Na'Vi's if they could destroy the tree so they could retreve the special rock. They said NO!! So the soldiers go throw so much to make avatars that look exactly like the Na'Vi people. So they can get close to them and see how they act.It might seem like a good motive to learn about their culture, etc. But they are just using them to gain control of them and be able to get the rock. The Army losses to the Na'Vi's, so they never get the rock they wanted. But it doesn't mean it's all over. The United States doesn't give up.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Close SOA?? YES!!

In my opinion I think they should close it cause they are training them to kill people. Even if people think that they are training them to be assasines they might be but no one knows. The SOA graduates don't follow human rights. They violate their rights to everyone no matter  what.  They have reports that high numbers of killings after receiving U.S military assistance was aproved and even before the help was approved. And plus its all connected to SOA.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Danger at work

My name is Lorenzo D'Mico and this is my story about the dangers we all faced building the Panamal Canal. In my experience my fellow colleges got the yellow fever, malaria, dysentery, typhoid, dengue. Not mentioning the adaption to the tropical heat. Frensh workers were being crushed under land and mud slides, and some even suffocating from noxious gases. I almost died of noxious gas but my brother came and saved me. I was so scared and derified I would die and never see my family again. Just last week 40 men died when they got crushed under a tone of mud. If been here for almost 3 years and I can't get used to seeing so many lives taken by this canal.


Walking to Iolani Palace for ceremony in a positive mood and great ideas.
Jan.14 - 11:00 am
Listening to the Great Hawaiin Band they play good all gather in the throne room. Ready for my ideas??
Jan.14 - 12:33 pm
Why won't they sing my new constitution why??? Help me god!!
Jan.14 - 1:09 pm
Addresing my people about the promulgate a new constitution.
Jan.14 - 4:00 pm
HURABLE day already Committee of Safety is challenging me what's that all about.
Jan.15 - 9:04 pm
Crisis now issuing a proclamation, Minister Stevens's assured that he would support me against the goverments armed insurrection.
Jan.15 - 11:35 am
Getting support from my people avoiding to say  anything inflammatory.
Jan.16 - 4:23 pm
162 fully armed troops from the Boston came ashore.
Jan.16 - 5:00 pm
Dole gave Stevens a letter from Thurston. What does it say??
Jan.17 - 8:07 am
Surrendering the throne Hawaii's sovereigny not to revolutionaries but to the  "superior force of the United States of America" -- temporarily.
Jan.17 - 3:48 pm