Thursday, October 21, 2010

Was it Worth It

I disagree with the blogging system because I feel that it takes up homework time and other time from other things. Even though its due at the end of the week at 11:59 i feel its not really fair to us.  In my opinion I don't like blogging at all thats like for people who like to write newspaper artiles, bloggs, or for magazines. Or in that sort of career that has to be with newspaper etc.

Blogging or Paper ????

In my opinion paper or blogging is the same thing to me. Either of them help with our learning. You wouldn't agree if you like scribeling around on paper. Also if starring at a computer for along time give you a headace or blurs your vision at times.

Fav... Topic

My favorite topic of the whole first quater was the six word story. This was my favorite topic because in only six word you told a story that made sense if you really ponder about.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Turn Of the Century

The emotions the immigrants must have been feeling when the century turned must have been horable. They came here for a better live and got not so good jobs and bad living styles. When the turn of the century came it changed everything that immigrants were already used too.They had to proof the spoke english to get a green card and all those stuff.

Rough Times

The lives of a imigrant. When imigrants came from Russia, Italy, France, etc. They came expecting good jobs and housing conditions but they didn't get any of that. When they came through Ellis Island they were looking around thinking is the best place in the world. But when they walk further they saw trashy streets and bad housing buildings. The apartments were as big as you could afford for example you got pay liltle money you had a small apartment. The apartment had big families they all had to live in  small spaces.They had no bathroom or showers even. At the factories they would work their buts off just to put foodon the table. Work hard and gain little money at times. People rarely tooks showers or even brushed their teeth plus the streets were smelly alreadt cause they had  no pluming. So you could imagine the nasty smell they had on them and in their sorrounding. !Not happy time!