Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Struggles and realities of the job...Cowboy

A day of being a cowboy, is really a hastle. There are so many varied jobs to pick from for example the range boss, he wrangler, the bronco buster, line rider to the cook also the cutting horse. The range boss in the morning comes and tells the rangers what to do that day. The cook who obviously cooks for the workers and the owners of the range.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Gaming helping with learning??

In my opinion games do help with learning. For example cooking mama shows you how to cook even if it's virtual. Brain age gives puzzle, math questions, science or history questions that help your learning. If at school we used games for learning we wouldn't ask so many questions. I think that insead of getting homework we used games to help with our learning it would be much better and we use technology 24/7.

Six Word Storie

Cloning? No Such thing...Nice mirror

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Treatments of African-Americans

During the reconstruction African Americans were freed by Emancipation Proclamation in 1863. The Thirteenth Amendment emancipated all U.S. slaves wherever they were. After the emancipation proclamation, two more years of war happened, by african americans troops. The defeat of the confederacy the nation was still not prepared for the full citizenship of african americans. 

After the african americans were freed in the 1800 they made a document that provided the freed slaves to get a piece of land. They didnt just get a piece of land they had to pay interest to the white land  owner, plus the tools were borrowed and they had to pay for that too. The crops they grew 50% of them had to go to the white land owner, another 25% was to be sold and the other 25% was for them to eat.  

 Martin Luther King, Jr. was one of the main figures in the Civil Rights Movement. He was born in 1929 and eventually led and influenced millions through his espousal of non-violent protest against segregation and racial discrimination. King was assassinated in 1968.
 What was of Martin Luther, Malcome X and Rosa Parks influence the Civil Rights Movement. All three of them did somethign diffrent and influential. Martin protest, spoke out in confrences. Malcome X an African-American Muslim minister, public speaker, and human rights activist. To his admirers, he was a courageous advocate for the rights of African Americans, a man who indicted white America in the harshest terms for its crimes against black Americans. His detractors accused him of preaching racism, black supremacy, antisemitism, and violence.He has been described as one of the greatest, and most influential, African Americans in history.  During the civil right movement whites had their own schools, bathrooms, dinners, ect. Blacks had their own school that were lower than white school, own bathrooms, dinners, etc. These three people influece alot of the good things we have now.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Resconstruction Comes

The reconstruction brought sharecropping for slaves. Sharecropping is when former slaves get land to crop, they have to pay interest to the white land owner. In my believe  the recoconstruction help the former slaves because they got a piece of land and had to pay interest to the owner. They could not plant crops in  their own land. They were better off after the reconstruction than before the civil war. Because they got a piece of land and they aren't slaves any more.

Unnecessary Deaths in the Civil War

I choosed this picture because it shocks me to see how many people died in the war. Alot of men died unnecessary deaths for not being prepared to fight for a good cause. Lots of families ripped apart for missing a family members in the war. The viewers should take away all the dead bodies from the photo.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Does moral help win a war???

In my opinion Lt. Col. Chamberlain is right about having a moral to win a war. To win a war you must have a good plan plus a very good rason to win a war. I believe that with out a good purpose for winning you are going to loose. 

Stereotypes in Society

In our Society their are alot of stereotypes on anything for example another group or culture.Their are alot of diffrent cultures, group, and religions in the United States. An example of a stereotype in everyday life is when someone you dislike or even hate does something to you that you don't like. Maybe they are hispanic and you come and say "every hispanic is the same way " when really it could just be that one dipical person. So many stereotypes are inaccurate and are used as a method of scapegoating or to seperate their behavior from yours or anybody elses behavior. When we're stereotyping we also get caught up in the issue of that's what "they do", that's how "those people" are instead of being in touch with our actual feelings of hurt, confusion, feeling left out or any other type of feeling.

Friday, September 3, 2010

No History Left Behind

The people that write our history should not leave anything behind just because it bad or it didn't go the way it was planed. History is always important in any bodies live. Telling lies or holding history back just because is unberable is not fair. Like people say "lies always come out sonner or later" eventully history lies will come out but it doesn't  shock many people anymore. I don't uderstand why keep history from us when we have the write to know about our past and present history.

The Matters of our History

History matter in diffrented ways. One of them is it improves our understading of who we are. History makes more sense of the present by placing it in context of the past that impact our daily lives. The past strengtents community's and regional identity and makes them better or worse. History gives more ideas to fix our current economy and our society to make it better for people to live in. Also  we could always learn from our past decision from history.